Walmart has been around for a very long time, so this company has done well with keeping up with the competition. I myself am a frequent shopper at Walmart both online and in the store. I come to realize that their online shopping experience for both web and mobile is a little overbearing. It’s so many things displayed on the page and so many buttons to click just to get to one item. I took it upon myself to re-design the website to be a little more user friendly, as this is only a concept design. 

The first problem I notice is if you have a credit card with them you have to click through just to find and view your credit card account and pay your bill. I eliminated this problem by designing a little Walmart credit card icon at the top near the account icon. I also changed the layout to be a little simpler to understand and follow. I understand Walmart is a big company and maybe they want to display everything that they have to offer at once, but I believe less is more. 

I moved the categories to a drop-down menu instead of having a bunch of images scattered all over the screen. I’m also a big fan of sales and clearance and as a frequent online shopper that’s the first place I view before any other Items. who doesn’t like a bargain? So, I created a little advertisement on the site to get people’s attention, this may even increase the sales and get some of the older product out of the inventory faster. I also notice that the email newsletter was not in a good place. I would love to see what weekly sales they have in advance through my email. I place the newsletter sign-up at the bottom to get people's attention, in return this can help the company gain more revenue because their actually selling the old product instead of it just sitting. I also added a drop down menu for their weekly ad so people who want to view the ad can view it from this area, being as I never found the weekly ad on their regular site.
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